Strategic Tillage


Strategic Use of Tillage within Conservation Farming

Project Partners: GRDC, FarmLink, CSIRO and the Department of Primary Industries
Project Code: DAN 00152
Project Duration: 2011 - 2016
Project Location: Harden, Daysdale, Thuddungra, Berthong

The GRDC funded project seeks to examine the possible impacts of strategic tillage on potential production, profit, and on risks to the soil resource.
The project is investigating whether the agronomic and economic benefits of a strategic tillage operation exceed any agronomic costs due to damage to the soil structure.


Over the duration of the project a range of publications will be created and listed below for download.
As the research has come to an end, a Strategic Tillage Information Package has been prepared, taking you through the Strategic Tillage story - benefits, risks and economics - as well as the analysis of statistics from some of the sites (with more to be added). Take a look by clicking on the image below ...