Pre-Emergent Herbicide and Disc Seeder Demonstration

Aim: To identify the crop safety issues associated with pre-em herbicides and the minimal soil throw that comes from using a single disc seeder.

Equipment: Commercial gear – 36m boom spray, 12m John Deere single disc seeder

Sowing: Vixen Wheat sown 19-May aim to sow 30mm deep.


Trt. No.TreatmentDensity, men/km2
1Sakura + Callisto*118g + 200mL/ha
3Overwatch* + Callisto*1.25L/ha + 200mL/ha
4Boxer Gold2.5L/ha
5Boxer Gold + Callisto*2.5L/ha + 200mL/ha
6Mateno Complete (IBS)1L/ha
7Mateno Complete (EPE)1L/ha
8Sakura + Avadex118g + 1.6L/ha
10Nil Control0

*Not registered for single disc seeders.


Figure 1- NDVI Imagery recorded on three separate days during the growing season