
Theme 5 - Agricultural Technology

Introducing GrainGrowers & ProductionWise

Andrew Christian, GrainGrowers
Grain Growers Limited is an independent grain farmer representative organisation with 17,500 members Australia Wide. GrainGrowers developed ProductionWise – an innovative online decision support crop management tool to assist grain farmers and their advisers to improve efficiencies, production and sustainability within the grains industry. ProductionWise now provides a range of ag tech options to users including paddock specific yield forecasting and satellite NDVI imagery ordering for objective decision support. We will be hosting the Agricultural Technology program and be available for questions as an event sponsor so make yourself welcome to the GrainGrowers Team.

Making mobile & data tech work on your farm

Ian Ware, APA Sound
Connectivity is critical for the adoption of new technology into your farming enterprise. This session will cover internet and connectivity options including new technology to improve reception, as well as exploring methods of optimising your current connection to make to most of it.

Grid mapping for variable rate lime and P applications

Eva Moffitt, Precision Agriculture
Grid soil mapping is a high-resolution method of accurately and directly measuring within-paddock variability of soil health and/or nutrition levels. Extensive grid mapping over the 2016/17 season revealed a high-level of within-paddock pH and phosphorus variability is common across broadacre cropping areas in southern and central NSW. Results demonstrated that pH (CaCl2) and Colwell P levels are driven by a combination of both underlying soil characteristics and past management practices. Quantifying spatial variabilities through grid soil mapping enables growers to confidently match inputs to requirements through variable rate applications of soil ameliorants and fertilisers. This produces a two-fold benefit of both increasing productivity through the targeted alleviation of yield constraints and improving input use efficiency through the potential reduction or reallocation of resources.

Using chaff lining decks on tramlines to manage weed resistance

Adam Lane & Greg Condon, Grassroots Agronomy
Chaff lining is gaining lots of interest as an alternative to NWB for HWSC. The practice works on collecting chaff off the sieves and leaving in a tight row for grazing then rotting. Greg Condon will outline the principles of chaff lining in conjunction with grower Adam Lane from Lockhart. The Lane family set up a chaff line for their Case 2388 header last season.

Paddock Demonstrations

Using EID in Sheep Production

Lexi Cesnik, Moses & Sons
The Auto drafter is the sheep producers’ reply to auto steer in a tractor. Whereby we take the manual handling and human error component out of handling sheep. This is true for accurately identifying body weights, weight gain, and any other number of unique traits of the animal that a producer may wish to collect. Automated drafting can be utilised in all sheep production systems from merino wool production through to prime lamb production. By understanding how to get the most out of eID tags and other electronic equipment such as Auto drafters, producers are able to make more precise management decisions surrounding their sheep flocks.

Paddock mapping & variable rate spreading

Tony Dickson, Precision Agriculture and Clare Robinson, Hutcheon & Pearce
Field demonstration and explanation of paddock grid mapping and EM38 surveying. Gain a better understanding of how field mapping is conducted and the data made available for variable rate lime and P applications. After you have mapped the soil variation in your paddock the technology exists to apply fertiliser, lime and P, at rates targeted to the specific deficiencies or constraints of the paddock zones. See the John Deere variable rate spreader technology in the paddock!