Theme 1 - Opportunities in Agronomy
The ‘Watchout’ Broadleaf Diseases this Season
Kurt Lindbeck, NSW DPI
Each season presents its own spectrum of disease issues in crops. An overview will be provided of the important disease issues that have been identified in broadleaf crops this season and management strategies this coming spring. There will also be a focus on Lupin Anthracnose – how to identify it and what to do if you.
Crop Nutrition to optimise production
Andrew Lockley, Landmark
Improving macro-nutrient (NKPS) utilisation from the soil to optimise crop performance. Looking at granular and liquid starter fertilisers as well as top dress fertiliser options to maximise efficiency. Matching crop type and delivery approach is critical to achieving the best results. Plus, a look at what other products are out there to aid plant extraction of nutrients locked up in the soil.
Understanding the Australian Pulse market
Phil Bowden, Pulse Australia
Australia produced a record pulse crop in 2016 around 4.4Mt of chickpeas, lentils, faba beans, field peas and lupins. This compares with 4.1Mt of canola. The on farm value of exports from these crops was $3.1B (compared to canola of $2.1B), but the pulse market can be volatile depending on production in India. Markets for our pulses is export driven, prices depend on the supply in India and supply depends on the monsoon rains. High prices for our lentils and chickpeas, has been the result of poor monsoon in 2014-16.
Farmers know there are many advantages to having pulses in the cropping rotation, but care needs to be taken in maintaining high standards of production and harvesting to ensure that delivery standards are met, so that markets will be assured of our quality product.
There is greater interest in new pulse foods, such as the healthy snack foods from chickpeas and faba beans, and lentil beer. The International Year of Pulses in 2016 was estimated to have increased consumption of pulses in western countries by around 20%. The future looks bright as consumers become aware of the health benefits of pulses in western diets, and traditional markets in the Sub-continent and the Middle Eastern countries are also increasing their demand for protein foods. Population growth in India will increase demand for pulse protein.
Paddock Presentations
Crop Competition for Weed Control in SNSW
Michael Sinclair, FarmLink.
Herbicide resistance of weeds is on the rise, integrated and non-herbicide weed management strategies may be the answer to tackling this problem. GRDC has invested with FarmLink, working with Landmark, has established a short term small plot trial to verify the hypothesis that higher crop plant populations will reduce the presence and vigor of weed species. Different crop plant species were sown at varying densities to understand the effect this has on weed species vigor and populations. As a twist we have also included crops sown by seed broadcasting or ‘zero row spacing’.
New AGT Wheat Varieties
James Whiteley, AGT
The drivers behind the different maturity groups of new AGT wheat varieties. AGT has demonstration plots illustrating three separate maturity groups including winter wheats, mid-late maturing wheats and main season wheats. A special focus will be the new quick maturing winter wheat RAC2341.
New Dow Seeds wheat varieties
Allan Rattey, Dow Agro
The Dow Seeds wheat breeding program is centred at TAIC with over 25 hectares of variety trials and approaching 25 thousand plots. A focus of the program is the development new winter, long spring and main season wheat types. On display will be the winter and long spring material including two varieties for release next year. Trials sown in later March and early April have had grazing simulated to assess biomass and grain recovery.