Open Day 2016

Livestock theme

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Innovation in the Sheep Industry Richard Apps

Sheep R and D Program Manager, MLA
Richard will open the Livestock section with a discussion on Innovation in the Sheep Industry through MLA, which is the marketing, research and development body for Australia’s red meat and livestock industry.
MLA is a not-for-profit organisation owned by cattle, sheep and goat producers. It is funded by a levy on livestock sales, with the Federal Government providing matching funds for R&D investment.
MLA’s core focus is to deliver value to its 50,000 levy paying members by growing demand for red meat, and improving profitability, sustainability and global competitiveness.

New Technology Maximising Sheep Production

Murray Long, Clear View Consulting
The last decade has seen some significant innovations and developments across the Australian Sheep Industry providing sheep producers with every opportunity to. It only maximise production, but select the exact genetics suitable for their management and market specifications.
The running of the Satellite flock at TAIC is just one aspect of all that is exciting about the sheep industry, as the realisation comes that smart technology is no longer restricted to the cropping sector of our agricultural sector. From DNA to RFID tracking technology the future has never looked more exciting.

Supplementary Feeding of Sheep - Reproduction and Finishing

Murray Long, Clear View Consulting
With modern genetics capable of providing sheep producers with potentially higher levels of production, attention to the level of nutrition provided to our sheep has never been more critical.
Feed is still a major factor in ensuring genetic potential and is crucial across all stages of the production cycle from ensuring maximum conception rates, maximising lamb survival and ultimately finishing lambs in the most efficient manner.
Supplementary feeding is not just about energy and protein but includes the nutrients and the balance of these nutrients and the balance of those nutrients that we sometimes consider less important.

Ovine Brucellosis - Palpation Equals Biosecurity Plan in Action

Rahul Shankar/Liz Braddon Riverina LLS
In this session, we will discuss the principles of a farm biosecurity plan and attempt to show that in most cases people are doing this by default. 
We will then try to teach some practical additions to what folks are already doing on farm to help formalise the plan a little bit better.  This session will provide a Farm Self Assessment where you can '"est" yourself to see just how secure your farm is and help tease out any areas that might need some tweaking to make your farm safer.  We will also demonstrate the intricacies of evaluating rams for breeding fitness - the principle of the 4 T's.

Demonstration of EID and Automated Sheep Handling

Brendan Nolan, Shearwell
A practical explanation of how sheep EID systems work, what you need to get started and some of the options to tie it all together. Setting up an EID system can be a confusing exercise but it’s important to do your research and understand the options available before jumping in. Our aim is to help the producer understand what the options are and what is the most suitable solution for your particular situation. EID doesn’t have to be complicated. Keeping it simple is the key to getting it to work and getting the best returns from your investment. We will also be explaining how our Auto Drafter works and doing a live demonstration on the day.