New TAIC Site Manager – Welcome Henry Bosman
FarmLink warmly welcomed Henry Bosman to the team in early September in a newly created position as the Temora Agricultural Innovation Centre Site Manager. Henry will be responsible for the management of the commercial farm operations; FarmLink and 3rd party trial sites and facilities, and asset management of TAIC.
Henry has had previous farming roles in SA, QLD, and NSW.
Henry has a Diploma in Agriculture (Gwebi College) and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAFE).
Henry and his family originate from Zimbabwe where they operated a large scale commercial agricultural business incorporating broadacre summer and winter cropping strengthened by irrigation, export horticulture and beef production.
Arriving in Australia in 2003, he has gained experience in agri-business across varying commodities, enterprises and systems.
Henry is passionate about conservation tillage systems and how they can be used to mitigate climate variability.