Landcare grant for soil moisture education

Member for Riverina Michael McCormack and Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister Keith Pitt announced funding for two local applicants under the National Landcare Programme Sustainable Agriculture Small Grants Round 2015-16.
Mr McCormack said FarmLink at Temora and Bruie Plains Landcare Group had received grants which will support Australia’s vibrant, innovative and competitive agriculture sector.
“FarmLink will receive $55,000 to support their successful project helping local farmers understand soil moisture conditions to boost their productivity,” Mr McCormack said.
“This project will help share local knowledge and skills across the sector to boost farm productivity and protect the natural resources that our agricultural industries depend on.
“The Bruie Plains Landcare Group has been provided with $11,000 to deliver a holistic grazing management course for Central West farmers to help empower landholders and lift their production.
“The Small Grants Round is an important component of the National Landcare Programme which ultimately delivers on the Coalition Government’s commitment to support profitable returns at the farmgate.
“I congratulate both organisations and I look forward to seeing these projects deliver results for our local farmers.”
Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister Keith Pitt said the Nationals in Government were working closely with volunteer Landcare groups and farming organisations to strengthen the Landcare program and prioritise works where they can have greatest impact.
“The Coalition’s strong investment of $1 billion over four years in the National Landcare Programme demonstrates our great commitment to support Landcare in Australia and ensure our lands remain a solid foundation for our agricultural sector,” Mr Pitt said.
“Projects like FarmLink and Bruie Plains will contribute greatly to increasing the knowledge and skills sharing of local farmers, leading to higher productivity and yields, and boosting the local economy.”

Cristy Houghton