Lots of interest in saving time and money over the harvest period. Southern NSW Harvester Workshop events all booked out.
GRDC Harvester
Setup Clinics
FarmLink will be coordinating five GRDC Harvester Setup Clinics in NSW and Queensland for 2022. This will be the third year of the events which bring together national and local expertise to demonstrate strategies for measuring and minimising harvest losses, methods for harvest weed seed control, the prevention of harvest fires and calibrating harvester technology and grain storage. Our visiting experts in 2022 will be Peter Broley (Primary Sales), Brett Aspher (Seed Terminator), Ben White (Kondinin Group), Kassie van der Westerhuizan (Harvest Specialist), Greg Condon (Weedsmart/Grassroots Agronomy) and Chris Warrick (Primary Business). The events are designed to be practical where equipment is on site and expertise on hand to discuss areas for continuous improvement across the various aspects of harvesting.
This year the QLD events will be held at the following locations:
Dulacca 27th Sept – Book Now
Inglestone 28th Sept – Book Now
Each event will run from 8:30 for 4 hours and will be fully catered.