Frost Extension Delivery

Applying current knowledge to inform grower decision making to mitigate the impact of frost, now and in the future – southern NSW and central NSW

Project Partners: GRDC, FarmLink
Project Code: FLR2008-002SAX
Project Duration: 2020-2021
Project Location: Southern and Central NSW


The purpose of this GRDC investment is to extend and apply the outcomes of previous research and development (R&D) investments relating to frost and share and build knowledge that will inform grower and advisor decisions relating to pre-season planning, in-season management and post-frost event responses. A priority is growers who are inexperienced and underprepared to manage the effects of frost on their profitability.
This investment seeks to ensure that growers have improved knowledge, confidence and ability to effectively implement the latest knowledge and best management practices to minimise the impact of frost on profitability. This will be achieved by continuing to extend and apply local relevance to the known research outcomes of the NFI and other frost & phenology research outcomes over a one-year period.
With the impacts of COVID-19, interaction between a range of industry experts and growers is facilitated via webinars which are recorded and can be accessed after the event by clicking on the flyers below


